Blessing for the new year 😇
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It's New Year's Eve. What a year. I wish you a moment of wonder about the coming and going of time.
It's -25oC outside where I am now, but I am surrounded by dancing bodies and warmth hearts. I'm blessed.
The last two months of 2017 was a particularly poignant time. When I found out that I would have to leave America, I thought I handled the news well. In many regards I do, from figuring out next steps, dealing with unexpected logistic issues, finding a closure, enjoying the present time. What I didn't expect, however, was the new feelings that this experience opened me to, each one so new, nuanced and nourishing. It is as if I am blindfolded and gently guided by some inner knowing, and when the blindfold is taken out I am stunned by an entirely new place within that I didn't even know exist.
The first is a greater appreciation of endings. Budding communities, exciting new friendships, potential collaboration as well as unexpected love and longing. It is particularly poignant to realize that I've put in my whole being into cultivating those rich relationships, seeing them blossoming and then letting them go.
There is a principle in improvisation called "leave on a high note" that definitely applies to life, work and relationships. We leave when things are going well so that other people can enjoy it. Plus, not getting attached to the high moment allows us to appreciate life more for its lows too. Life is a whole continuous experience that we can't really cherry pick, as much we wish to.
Second is letting myself be missed and acknowledging the beautiful ties that I have formed. I have been told that I have made an impact to some people's lives, mostly for the reasons I'm not aware of. I am learning again and again that the sense of fulfillment doesn't come from knowing my impact but the constant re-affirmation of the inherent entanglement of our lives, and that the only way to matter is to be involved despite whatever the mess we find ourselves in. It's such a rare and beautiful blessing to notice and cherish that feeling of knowing that you matter and that you belong. I wish everyone belonging and mattering.
New blog will be back next week with a new theme for the year. For now, I want to share a beautiful blessing by John O Donohue a few days ago. It spoke a lot to me and I want to share. May the blessing be with you.
For longing - a blessing by John O'Donohue
Blessed be the longing that brought you here
and quickens your soul with wonder.may you have the courage to listen to the voice of desire
that disturbs you when you have settled for something safe.may you have the wisdom to enter generously into your own unease
to discover the new direction your longing wants you to take.may the forms of your belonging – in love, creativity, and friendship –
be equal to the grandeur and the call of your soul.may the one you long for long for you.
may your dreams gradually reveal the destination of your desire.may a secret providence guide your thought and nurture your feeling.
may your mind inhabit your life with the sureness
with which your body inhabits the world.may your heart never be haunted by ghost-structures of old damage.
may you come to accept your longing as divine urgency.
may you know the urgency with which God longs for you.
Sharing is sprouting.